Thursday, January 21, 2016

On Faces

The interesting thing about faces is that they always tell you the truth of a given person, especially as that person ages. When a person smiles or laughs a lot, you can see it in the way their face has wrinkled, settled, or changed over the years. The same thing happens when a person does nothing but pout, and frown, and complain. The effect is most obvious in older people, but you can see it in young people as well.

I've known a lot of people that claim to be super positive, happy beings but aren't really that way in practice. If you didn't know any better from actually observing the realities of the person's life, you could look at the permanent pout burned into their face and see the truth. Same thing goes for people that may appear sour and depressive on the surface, but have faces that give away the fact that they actually laugh and smile a lot.

I'm realizing that I might be the second sort. Outwardly, I complain and bitch a lot. I would even say I see and describe myself as a brooding, pensive person for the most part. But when I step back and really admit how much I laugh and how often I smile -- how often I ultimately wind up seeing the best in something -- I realize that isn't actually accurate. And my face gives me away. I have the face of a happy, pleasant, inquisitive person even if I don't always feel like one.

This face thing is something I think about a lot when I'm on social media. Especially when people start posting selfies and whatnot. I like to look at faces and compare what those faces are telling me to the narratives those same people put out there in an effort to cultivate a certain image. You can tell which people probably sit around and fume a lot even if they're smiling in a picture. You can tell which ones are secretly lonely, or angry, or insecure. You can tell which ones actually feel comfortable in their own skins and which ones are still very far from being at peace with who they are.

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