Monday, September 27, 2021
5 Reasons Why People Aren't Reading Your Content
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
5 Struggles Even Professional Writers Deal With
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Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos - Francisco de Goya y Lucientes |
Yeah, not so much. Don't get me wrong. There's a lot to love about being a full-time writer, and I feel incredibly fortunate to be earning a living doing what I love most and consider myself to be best at. But life as a professional writer isn't actually all that different from life as an amateur who's doing what they do just for shits and giggles.
No two writers will be exactly alike, but the following are a few of the struggles that are common among pretty much all of us, whether we've managed to go professional with our work yet or not.
1. The fear of rejection remains a very real thing.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Assorted Stuff and Randomness
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The Luncheon of the Boating Party - Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
My head's been full of weird, existential thoughts lately. Much to the disappointment of people who actually know me, that doesn't always make me the greatest company, but it's been great for my writing. Good. It's been a while since I felt properly full of writing ideas that haven't either been done to death or that just don't quite scan for whatever reason. I haven't been doing too badly at sticking to my publishing schedule lately, either.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
4 Things You Learn About Yourself by Putting Your Writing Out There
1. What Your Readers Actually Want to See from You
Sunday, April 25, 2021
On Fiction Writing and Beauty in Middle Age
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
On Camp NaNoWriMo and Trying On My Editor's Hat
Sunday, April 4, 2021
7 Signs You're Dangerously Close to Being a Serious Writer
1. You're willing and able to write when you don't feel like it.
Monday, March 22, 2021
If You Want to Be a Great Writer, Be a Teachable One
Rejections are normal, common, and happen to everyone.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
On Channeling My Inner Carrie Bradshaw
Monday, January 18, 2021
Some Scattered Thoughts on What's to Come
That's the great thing about my writing schedule these days, though. Thanks to the passive income I've been bringing in via platforms like Medium and News Break lately, I haven't had to pack my schedule to the brim with copywriting and ghostwriting assignments the way I used to. I've continued to write for my long-time regulars, but that's about it.
The more income my blogging generates, the more wiggle room I have, as far as my work schedule goes in general. I usually try to get my freelance obligations out of the way early in the week when I'm freshest, but I'm a little behind where I want to be with my Medium postings for this month. In honor of Martin Luther King Day, I'll compromise by leaving the freelancing until tomorrow and spending the entire day on my other content instead. I've gotten much better at actually seeing it as work and taking it appropriately seriously.
I have so many emotions going on regarding Biden's inauguration the day after tomorrow. On the one hand, I'm so excited about getting a normal president back in the White House again. I get that all politicians have their agendas, but Trump just took things to this whole other level that I never want to see again in my lifetime. I have my issues with Biden, but I at least feel confident that he cares about this country and about doing a good job as our president. He's not a flaming racist, a brazen liar, or a troublemaker. He doesn't grab women by the pussy or secretly yearn to turn American into a dictatorship. A low bar, perhaps, but it's more than good enough for me at this point.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
On December, News Break, and the Holiday Blahs
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Authenticity: The X-Factor That Makes Your Writing Pop
I get it. As writers, we want our work to resonate with people. We want them to read it and -- hopefully -- come back at some point in the future to read more of it. We agonize over how we can make that happen, meaning we try to figure out what people want, and that's fine. But if you're not also carving out a little piece of your heart and weaving it into what you're writing in one way or another, your writing will miss the mark. It will register as empty, dull, inane, and lackluster. No wants to read more of that. There's already way too much of it out there.
Be Truly Genuine and Vulnerable
Friday, October 16, 2020
Scattered Friday Thoughts on Writing in Stages
Thursday, October 1, 2020
On Productivity and Ongoing Creative Growth
I'm also a little surprised at myself. I've been yelling into the void that is the internet for a long time at this point, and if you've been following me around for long, you know exactly how much progress I've made over the years on that front. The part of me that still remembers being that scattered, disorganized mess can't believe I've grown into someone with an actual system.
And let me tell you, that system makes every bit as much difference as the productivity experts have always said that it does. I keep a schedule now, and it's vitally important to me to the point where I actually get pissed off if something disrupts it. I have a calendar that I consult every single day, and it's color-coded. I'm journaling again. And I'm doing it for the sake of actual mindfulness, as opposed to simply wanting a place to vent my many frustrations with life.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Notes On Making Medium Work for Me (and How You Can Make It Work for You)
Meanwhile, my personal writing done under my real name has mostly gone unnoticed. I had a decent-sized audience of fellow kooks on LiveJournal back when people still wrote over there, as well as on DeviantArt during my brief stint as a fantasy artist, but that's about it. Beyond that, though, I've simply gotten used to being an unknown and just doing whatever it is that I do for my own pleasure and not much else.
I sincerely didn't expect Medium to be very different from any of that when I first signed up for their partner program toward the end of last year. I knew my experience writing for the web likely meant I'd do OK over there, but I didn't expect to truly get any attention or earn any real money. Perhaps just a few loyal readers who didn't mind listening to my drivel, just like on LiveJournal, and maybe a couple of hundred extra bucks to help out with bills now and then. That profile blew up quick, though.
Yes, I'm earning for sure, and I'm getting a lot of praise for my work. I'm also getting a lot of mail from strangers who want to know more about me and -- in some cases -- learn how to do whatever it is that I'm doing these days. Companies are messaging me, begging me to mention them in future Medium posts, sometimes in exchange for money (which I don't do, by the way.) People are adding me to their networks, hoping I'll lay some more golden eggs for them to discover and take with them in their travels. It doesn't quite seem real, and I am most definitely not used to it.
Monday, January 13, 2020
On Regrouping and Looking Ahead to the Future
Thursday, December 20, 2018
The Sunset of Another Year
I'm realizing that at one point, I got pretty used to feeling like a fuck-up. Every December usually finds me painfully aware of the fact that yet another year has slipped by without my accomplishing anything of note. Anything to be proud of. Nothing I've done to make my life better or truly move forward toward any of the long-term goals I like to claim are so important to me.
But not this year. This year, I can look back on a year I spent diligently improving myself. I've been exercising every day. I've been eating well. I've been taking amazing care of myself, both inside and out. I've been learning, reading, praying, and worshiping. (I am learning German, among other things!) I feel beautiful, and confident, and strong. I can honestly say I am finally growing into a woman I am proud to be and cultivating an image I'm unashamed to show to the rest of the world, either casually or in regards to something that's more serious.
Take last weekend, for instance. I've sort of made friends with one of our Instacart shoppers over Facebook recently and she asked to meet me in person last Saturday. (Normally I do the shopping and handle the orders, but Seth gets the door for the shopper in the event the delivery includes alcohol and needs to be signed for.) I'll probably never be the most voluntarily social person in the world, but it was really nice not to feel like I literally can't show my actual face to anyone because I've let my weight, hygiene, and grooming routine slide too far out of control for too long. Despite wearing boxer shorts and absolutely zero make-up, I felt like a normal human being saying hello to a friend who wanted to see me and that was really nice for a change.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
On Stories, Fact, and Fiction
I've been reading and writing so long, that I legitimately can't remember a time in my life when I didn't do those things. It only stands to reason that I've fallen in love with all kinds of stories over the years -- everything from fairy tales and epic adventures to high-brow literary fiction. However, I think the stories I like most these days are the ones that are anchored in reality to at least some extent.
It doesn't have to be a straight up non-fiction story or anything, but it's nice if it's at least inspired by events, people, places, or ideas from the author's actual life. I like knowing that that person is sharing little bits of their world with their readers. A given story just doesn't really feel "complete" to me without that.
That's been the case for me since I was a kid. Even when I reached for my fairy tale books, the experience of enjoying them was only partly about being entertained by the story itself. My favorite part of the process was actually learning the origins of those tales and the meanings behind them. I absolutely loved annotated versions of different books for that reason. I know it seems weird to imagine a 10-year-old being interested in the cultural context of Hansel and Gretel or in being able to identify the political satire in Alice in Wonderland, but that's the kind of child I was. I liked reading stories and then picking them apart afterward so I could fully understand what I'd just read.