Friday, October 16, 2020

Scattered Friday Thoughts on Writing in Stages

Officially speaking, I keep saying I'm not sure whether I'm indeed doing NaNoWriMo this year or not, yet all my actions tell me my heart's already set on it. Earlier in the week, I came up with a working title and designed a book cover on my phone while working out on my stationary bike. A Medium draft I've been picking at in bits and pieces over the past couple of days is about NaNoWriMo as a possible tool for writers. Earlier today, I was on NaNo's forums chatting up other writers before I temporarily left the office to go cook dinner for my family. 

Anything could happen between now and then to change my mind again, but I'd say I'm about 90 percent sure at this point that I'll do it. It's been so long since I did any creative writing that I'm curious as to whether I still know how. Plus, I smell possible post fodder to dip into here and there throughout November. I'm interested in seeing how I handle the event as an older, significantly more organized writer, as well. 


I've been noticing something interesting about my writing these days. I used to think I flew completely by the seat of my pants when it comes to deciding what to write about. However, my ideas actually go through very organized stages of evolution. They start out as thoughts on life or snippets from daily conversations that likely make it unfiltered into my private journal at some point. Most stay there because the bulk of my everyday thoughts wouldn't be of interest to anyone but me. Some eventually graduate to at least a mention in this blog or somewhere else on social media. 

A lucky few develop into polished work I'm putting out there in hopes of making money or building my reputation -- like the ones that eventually become Medium stories. Some feel like they could hatch into something extraordinary given a chance. I feel like those ideas eventually wither into aborted short stories, poems, and bits of flash fiction. They never see the light of day because I'm not taking the time to grow them into anything. I should do something about that. 


I wish our fall weather would hurry up and get here already. I'm desperately trying to make it feel like Halloween is truly around the corner. However, it's not easy when you're still wearing all your summer clothes and running all your fans full blast out of absolute necessity. We've been mainlining horror movies and true crime documentaries at night like it's our job. I've officially busted out all my Halloween playlists to add spooky-season ambiance to our dinners. Yet, here we are experiencing another one of these godforsaken Indian summer heatwaves. Today it was 92 degrees or so, and we live near the coast, so who knows how hot it got inland. 

Seth thinks this will be the last heatwave of the season. I'm skeptical, but I'd like to think he's right. Exciting things have been happening for both of us lately and I want better weather as a backdrop. I've had so much going on with my writing, including pursuits that actually pay worth a damn. Seth has officially found a record label to sign with in regards to his music. These things have been a long time coming for both of us, and I feel they're so well-deserved. All those little dreams I have about us having a beautiful little place of our own soon feel like more than dreams now -- like soft, fabric draperies I could almost reach out and touch.

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